
With PSI6000 for applications up to 360 kA, you increase process reliability, reduce rework costs and maintain constant welding spot quality - even with the most difficult material combinations.
Used a thousand times - welding systems from Bosch Rexroth convince automobile manufacturers, suppliers and welding machine manufacturers worldwide.

Flexible control set-up and adaptive control methods open up the way for new, innovative applications.
Standard functions such as constant current control, closed loop pressure control, electrode care concept and electrode milling ensure welding quality in line with your requirements.

The proven modular medium frequency controller series for spot and projection welding applications
• Operating frequency 1,000 Hz
• Available with air or water cooling in various performance classes
• Maximum peak current of 2,400 A for applications up to 120 kA
• Utmost welding spot quality thanks to the adaptive UI controller PSQ6000 (optionally retrofittable)
• Controller versions with most different IO interfaces available
• Different field bus interfaces optionally retrofittable
• Efficient operation and diagnosis with the BOS6000 Engineering Software and the VCP05 control panel