MTX micro - CNC

MTX micro is the compact, powerful and cost-effective CNC system for standard lathes and milling machines. It consists of a high-performance CNC and PLC control, tailor-made operator panels and compact multi-axis control units.

MTX micro is the ideal CNC system for
turning/ milling/ drilling/ grinding/
Editing gear wheels

->Up to 12 axes
->Ready-to-use software for turning and milling
->Extensive technology-cycle library and multi-technology functions for complete machining
->Open PLC according to IEC 61131-3 for application-specific extensions
->Direct connection to 200-500 V, 50-60 Hz supply networks without transformer

-> 2 independent CNC channels can control up to 12 axes, whereby 4 axes can be used for spindle functions
-> Optional 5-axis interpolation
Easy to operate, practicable, extremely reliable and exact to the nanometer
-> Minimal machining times thanks to powerful 32-bit processor
-> CNC-optimized operator panels and software
-> Quick and easy commissioning of the turn-key system
-> Low space requirements thanks to compact multi-axis control unit in control cabinet