Analysis of the failure probability
The Service Indicator app provides detailed information about the drive controller and motors installed in the machine. The information can be used for preventive maintenance, for example.
Functional description:
Tabular display of all drive controllers and motors that have been read by the Drive Connect app
Calculation and display of a failure probability of the drive controller and the motor
Display of QR codes that can be scanned with the Digital Service Assistant smartphone app, enabling direct communication with Bosch Rexroth Service, and not just in the event of an error. The Service Indicator app displays the following information:
Axis name
Drive controller device type
Serial number of the drive controller
IP address of the device
Diagnostic information
Failure probability of the drive controller
Motor type
Serial number of the motor
Failure probability of the motor
In addition, the app informs the customer about various ways to contact Rexroth Service:
Digital Service Assistant app
Telephone service hotline